Ministar is growing

MINISTAR LASER is a company which came originally from China as mainland. When the MINISTAR lasers were discovered in The Netherlands, it went quick. MINISTAR came within a few months famous in Europe by the possibility of shipping the MINISTAR lasers from China to Europe and more with the motto: selling it from the factory with the lowest price possible. During the high-quality products made in China, and the low price of designing and developing the lasers, the lasers can be shipped world-wide with an amazing low price.









The company “Ministar Laser Technologies Co., Ltd” is based on 7 employees, spread over the world. Five of the employees are engineers who are designing, testing and developing the lasers in China. Two of them are in charge of the sale and of the design aswell. The lasers are being sold in the European Union first, but during the big requests the lasers are being sold worldwide. MINISTAR is not just ‘one’ small laser. In total, MINISTAR covers a range of lasers with different specifications and power levels.



Joost Aalberts @ Ray Technologies GmbH (RTI)


@ RTI Germany 2017





















Joost Aalberts @ Ray Technologies GmbH (RTI)

Martin Garixx WAR Child

Testing new 6W in Amsterdam

Last night in Amsterdam wester unie tesitng the new 6W Luminous (y)

Geplaatst door Rgb Laser Verkoop Lasershow op zondag 19 februari 2017


Nieuw Jaar feest Winterswijk 23 lasers !

New 2017 price list MINISTAR

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Paradiso Amsterdam


foto’s MINISTAR 6000

Ministar 6000

New MINISTAR price list

Best laser deals in the world

Direct from Factory

Good price, Good quality and good service and waranty

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New MINISTAR price list sept 2016

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  • Ons nieuwste ontwerp de Ministar 6W

1000mW 638nm
2000mW 520nm
3000mW 450nm
100Khz analog modulation
H 14.5 B 20.5 L 28 cm net
Gewicht slechts 5.5KG

1 2 4 6 9


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